
What is Accrepro ?

The AccrePro software is An Organizational wide Accreditation Management System, that manages information, distribution of assignments, processing
of data and visuals/charts and report service/departmental and overall figures, etc., that assist an organization in all phases (pre, during & post) of
an assessment or accreditation by an external body authorized by the government.

How it Works ?

In the assessment of an organization ( healthcare or industrial
facility,educational institute) in fully automate the intensive and rigorous
review of its processes, policies, and procedures, practice guidelines,
documents, protocols, plans, and programs are being conducted to identify
gaps of compliance to the standards, best practices, and to the
governmental laws and regulations.
The assignments and distribution of these activities based on function shall
be made easier and comprehensive through AccrePro software.

Why Accrepro ?

AccrePro utilization assists the organization in

Saving and conserving time during assessment & preparedness phase

100% ensure The completion of the requirements using fewer resources

Real-time monitoring and management of assignments

Maintain organizational, departmental and individual performance with real time monitoring

0 preparation for re-accreditation